It's Training Week 2, run #6 completed today - 4 miles! You will recall from an earlier blog post that I decided to train for a 1/2 marathon that takes place on June 27th. There are 4 of us "in training" although my friend Lynn came into training on the injured list and may very well be benched. Aghhhhhhh - so bummed because she is my current running partner of two years and I really want her to train and be at my side during this race.
Anyway, Robin and Laurel are also training with me. Before last Monday? Neither had ever run 3 miles straight. I think Robin may have done it on a treadmill - not quite sure - but regardless, running outside is a whole different animal! Day 1 of the 10 week training schedule (last Monday) was an awesome day. They both completed the 3 miles and 5 days later they went on to complete 4 miles non-stop! Imagine the joy!!!!!! Better yet? This Saturday is 5 miles!
What's great about this for me is that not only am I running regularly after a 2 year hiatus from running at least 3-4 times a week, but I get to see the joy of my two partners completing goals they never thought they would even envision - never mind actually reach! It is a complete hoot to finish each run with them.
As a 35 year veteran of pounding the pavement, I've run distances as far as 26.2 miles (called a marathon?) which training entails 5 mile runs, 8 mile runs, 15 mile runs, TWENTY mile runs. You would think this is no big deal for me but actually, I am PSYCHED to be back at it, covering the miles on an early spring morning in the hills of the Emerald City. It's empowering, motivating and joyful. And the frosting on the cake? (which I may get to eat guilt-free soon because of all this "cardio"!) The added thrill of my friends completing the daily mileage...priceless!
As an aside - I was turned on to a running store in West Hartford called Fleet Feet. Lynn and I went up there last week and had the greatest experience. Not only were the guys who serviced us (oops - that doesn't sound very good does it??!! Ha!!) extremely

But the greatest thing was this. The store policy is that you can return your running shoes for up to 30 days if you have a problem with them. Now - this writer - me - is the dream consumer. I never return anything. I am a freaking disaster when it comes to shopping. If I get something mail order and I don't like it - rarely does it make it back to the store. If I buy something that doesn't fit? Yup - hang it in the closet. I suck. In other words? LOSER.
Well - unfortunately, I did had a problem with my new running shoes. And guess what big girl Joey did? I returned them!!!!! Today! I exchanged them for another kind and you know what? If I don't like these? Going back and exchanging them again!!! And they were so gracious. It's amazing because my experience for years has been that service in this country SUCKS!!!!! These people spent another 40 minutes with me and never batted an eye.
So - each Saturday of the 10 weeks of training, you run your "long" run of the week and it increases by a mile every Saturday. Last week was 4 miles, this Sat. is 5. The problem is that with 3 kids all going in different directions on Saturdays, guess what time I have to run? Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - 6AM. But I shall