Tuesday, December 31, 2013

That Auld Lang Syne

The good ole days.  Times long past. 

Ahhhh -remember the good ole days?
 Literally?  "Old long since".  Yes - Auld Lang Syne.

The traditional - ringing in the New Year song.  Interesting - for isn't "the good ole days",  really days filled with remembered JOY?  Hmmmm - now are you "catching" on?  Uhuh...

So the New Year is upon us.  Your resolutions are swimming in your head - losing weight, saving money, getting out of debt, working out, stop swearing - I hear ya!  I have a few myself that are swimming but haven't hit shore, quite yet.  Although ONE better hurry up!  I need to lose some weight before boarding that plane to Punta Cana!!!  In 29 days...AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

But all kidding aside - truly, there is one resolution that is so easy.  


Go inside.  

Catch it once a day, twice a day, several times a day - just catch it. Wayyyyy easier than that diet!  Just look around for it.  It could be that beautiful red cardinal on a snowy branch.  It could be a smile on a stranger's face at the grocery store.  It could be a perfect eating day.  It could be your pet snuggling it's warm body up against yours hogging the corn bag.  Catch it, record it and move on.  

Because the diet and the gym and the bank account will all blend together.  The bad will pass.  The sad will fade.  But when you string your JOY moments together...now THAT's living.

I have a friend Sarah who posted this on Facebook this morning and I have thought about it all day.  I hope she doesn't mind...

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond. - Rumi  (a fav!)

Catch JOY through good and bad.  And remember - above all - good always wins. 

Embrace those you love.  Be grateful for the privilege of being alive.  It is your gift.  Accept it with JOY.  Move with the music, not through it.  You are making your Auld Lang Syne... 

Best wishes for an amazing and JOY filled 2014.



Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Joy of Un-BLOCKING

Boy, am I blocked. 

I seriously want to start blogging again.  I really do!  I catch the most JOY when I'm blogging.  I believe because it makes me live in the present more, which = more JOY caught.  So I opened up a blank post page...and I sat.  And I sat.  And I SAT.  Why can't I think of anything to write???  You know what this tells me?  I need to blog - MORE.

It is the week of/after Christmas.  My goal has been to curl up on my couch in front of my roaring fire...
with my blanket and my i-pad and my phone and my remotes - eeek!  Those are all tech CRAP!  I can't unplug!  Is it a serious problem?  What does this mean???  I CAN'T UNPLUG??????

Nope - I can't.  But you know what?  I'm ok with that - actually.  I've had a great week here in my nest.  I've watched a bunch of movies.  Family JOY.  AND, I am LOVING - catching much JOY, in fact - getting up to date on Grey's Anatomy!  I had 3 seasons to watch and I am in the middle of last season and still have that and the current season to look forward to.  Yep - JOY!  Don't get me wrong - it's a struggle to get to my nest!  Always so much to do before I can allow myself to be still.  But I did it.  And I will continue to do it until life resumes again - somewhere after JANUARY 1st?

Sadly - I have readers block as well as writers block.  I haven't finished a book in AGES.  Maybe even 4 months.  THAT is not me.  But as I look back - I have been book blocked many times in the past 14 years and have always gotten back to it and chewed through - often - a book a week. (See Book Read sidebar to your right!) 

In 2013 I read 41 books.  Not bad considering I haven't read anything since possibly September or October.  I DO see how tv gets in the way.  My guess is that I haven't read a book since catching up on Private Practice and Greys Anatomy.  I trace this back to - GETTING AN I-PAD?!  

What EVER.  I'll get back to my books at some future date - no worries.  Because I know you are concerned.  tee hee.

At any rate - 2013 was a good year.  A JOYous year, in fact.  It was not without it's problems (hello????  3 little pigs???), but there were major JOYlights.  

The biggest and best are tied.  I reconciled with some precious elementary school friends AND a few months later, 2 college roomies.  BOTH of those visits go down on the "highlights of my life" list.  Hands down. 

There were many more JOYlights this year for sure.  

My middle child slowly starting to change his behavior for the good (thanks to wrestling and his amazing coach). 

Watching my oldest learn to surf. 

Falling in love 

over and over again with my youngest as she rehabbed her way back to the ice after a 5 month injury(ies) pause and came back stronger than ever.  (ummm - thanks to strength coach Mom's persistence?  Perhaps?  JOYJOY...just sayin') 

Celebrating 25 years of marriage with the best man I know.  

Watching my business continue to thrive with both new and repeat clients who I appreciate and adore.

Spending precious time with my 83 year old Uncle AL.

Clamming for the first time in YEARS with precious friends and family.

The list is longer but I think you get the picture.  There are daily JOYS to catch (and release) and then the bigger ones that stay with you - perhaps for life.  They are both important when you are really trying to live a life filled with JOY.  It's never that one continuous "and they lived JOYOUSLY ever after".  But certainly it is the key to a better life.  I know this much is true.

With that in mind - I challenge YOU - to catch more JOY on a daily basis.  Even if you can pick out only one JOY moment to catch each day - I predict your life will be more JOYful.  

JOY moment = JOY life.  Try it and see...