Saturday, January 29, 2011

Joy is a Net of Love By Which You Can Catch Souls

Do you see that title up at the top of this post? (It is a quote from Mother Teresa.)

I think it might be true! My "net" seems to be catching souls! A few posts ago I told you the "Believe" stories and in my last post I told you about the Joy napkins and over Christmas I received no less than 5 JOY ornaments.

Last week, my friend Judy sent me this photo. Here's what she said:

"Joey, This is on the wall near my computer desk. As I was reading your blog tonight, I happened to notice it. (It's been up there so long...) Now, when I see it, I'll think of you!"

And a few days ago my friend Lynn, who has been immersed in leading her mother through open heart surgery and recovery, wrote me this:

"Joey - my mom is my joy today!"

Last September, my friend Aileen wrote me that ever since she started reading my blog, she tries to always keep the phrase "Catch the joy" in her head so that she watches for those joy moments.

I'm thinking I am having a big ole net full of catch! I, of course, caught joy from each and every catch in my net. Pretty amazing how contagious this can be! Please forgive me if I have missed mentioning a few other "catches" in my net - you know, that age/memory thing!

So, if you go back to my original first blog post, you will recall that while you may not necessarily live a life filled to the brim with joy - life is filled with moments. And you can have 1 joy moment in a day or 1 joy moment in a week, but you needed to savor that moment because that is all you are getting until the next one comes along.

The point is, if you aren't looking to catch a joy moment, then you will miss it. I think my net is catching souls who maybe, just maybe, are on the lookout for those sometimes allusive joy moments. The cool thing about that is, now they each have a net of love trolling their world. And isn't their world part of the world? Ya dig?

And for those who haven't made it into the net yet, "keep knocking, and the Joy inside will eventually open a window and look out to see who's there."


  1. Hi Joey, I so totally miss your "class" and wonderful workouts - and the social engagement.
    I have just finished a work which I have entitled "Take Joy". Will email you a pic when I have it scanned. I miss having Brooke as student. I surely hope she is persuing the creative! My best to you and your family, Paula

  2. Hi Paula! I miss you also and everyone asks about you too! I can't wait to see "Take Joy"! Brooke is pursuing the "arts" int he form of ice skating and piano right now. But she is still her same creative self - always doing some kind of craft. Hope to see you soon and that all is well. xx
